MICE - Meeting & Groups



No part of this website, including graphics, icons, text, video or sound, may be copied, republished, stored in a system for the search and retrieval of data or reproduced in any form or by any means without the express authorisation of Jura Tourisme. The content of this website is the exclusive property of Jura Tourisme.


Project management

Jura Tourisme
Place du 23 Juin 6
2350 Saignelégier



The site is edited by Jura Tourisme as well as volunteer authors who have shared their tourism experience by means of descriptive texts.


Site design, technical implementation, CMS

aquaverde Sàrl, Biel/Bienne

General graphic design

INOX communication SA
Hôtel des Postes
Place Numa-Droz 2
2001 Neuchâtel


With the support of the Republic and Canton of the Jura: www.jura.ch

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